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April 22, 2022
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
Digitizing Health Campaigns Improves Outcomes
Based on CRS Benin’s support to the Ministry of Health to digitize successive ITN, SMC, and Onchocerciasis campaigns, this learning brief describes what is needed to ensure that...More
July 15, 2022
Research›Case Studies
Strengthening Trauma Awareness and Social Cohesion in Greater Jonglei, South Sudan
This case study explores CRS’s initiative in Greater Jonglei, South Sudan to integrate trauma awareness and social cohesion within multisector resilience programming. The case...More
July 25, 2022
Recipe for Success: Accelerating Nutrition Governance
This policy analysis examines how existing U.S. government (USG) policies, systems, and structures enable or hinder the localization of the USG’s nutrition programming, as well as...More
November 1, 2019
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
SILC Field Agent Guide 5.1
This guide describes how to establish Savings and Internal Lending Communities (SILC). The instructions are intended for two audiences: field agents and those who train and...More
June 1, 2022
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
SenseMaker is a complexity-aware, narrative-based method that can be used to conduct assessments, monitoring, evaluations (whether baseline, midterm, or final), and research...More
August 12, 2022
Research›Case Studies
Impact of the Child-optimized Financial Education (COFE) curriculum among savings group participants in Uganda
This publication highlights the joint collaboration between CRS Uganda and multiple PIQA teams (microfinance, social services and MEAL) to adapt, revise, research and support the...More
April 4, 2022
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
Challenges facing Savings and Internal Lending Communities in a long-term refugee settlement setting
This study was conducted to understand the challenges and risks that members of Savings and Internal Lending Communities (SILC) and SILC Private Service Providers (PSP) have faced...More
September 26, 2022
Tools for Field Staff›Fact Sheet
CRS Sahel Humanitarian Response Strategy 2023-2025
The sharply worsening conflict in the Central Sahel, the mass displacement it’s caused, and a new global hunger crisis have created a humanitarian catastrophe in Mali, Burkina...More
September 30, 2022
Research›Case Studies
Digital Response in the COVID-19 Environment
The COVID-19 pandemic elevated the use of digital technology in programming from an opportunity to a fundamental need. The social distancing required to stave off the virus has...More
October 5, 2022
Water Security Strategy 2030
WHAT DOES “WATER SECURE” MEAN? “Water security” is when water is effectively and holistically managed to support human well-being, socio-economic development and the environment...More