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August 13, 2014
Governance at the Grassroots
This study analyzes governance issues in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger. It focuses on the links between decentralization and local government's management of disaster risk...More
December 1, 2013
A Sample Gender Analysis
This document is a condensed version of a full gender analysis of a food security program in Ethiopia. We hope that program staff will use this condensed version as a template...More
October 1, 2015
Local Solutions to Land Conflict in Mindanao
This paper presents key lessons from the Applying the 3Bs (Binding, Bonding, Bridging) to Land Conflict (A3B) project implemented over a three-year period in twenty barangays in...More
September 27, 2016
Healing personal trauma to restore communities
This assessment shares testimonies from CRS and partner staff who participated in a trauma healing program in Central Africa Republic. After our initial emergency response to the...More
October 27, 2016
Father Engagement in Nutrition
This report shares key findings on male engagment in child nutrition and maternal and child health from the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands project to Accelerate...More
December 20, 2016
State of Peace, Reconciliation and Conflict in Liberia
This report is the result of an in-depth conflict analysis, carried out by CRS in March 2016 for the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Liberia (CABICOL), in response to...More
September 2, 2021
CIRCA II Evaluation Summary
This report summarizes key findings and recommendations from the final external evaluation of Phase II of the Capacities for Inter-Religious Community Action (CIRCA) project,...More
May 25, 2023
Girma Gender Analysis Report
The Girma program—meaning ‘dignity, prestige, and growth’ in Hausa—is funded by the United States Agency for International Development/ Food for Peace (USAID/ FFP) and implemented...More
May 25, 2023
Ifaa Gender Analysis Report
As a continuation of the previous Development Food Security Activity, the CRS-implemented Ifaa (meaning “light” in Afaan Oromo) activity is a five-year Resilience Food Security...More
May 25, 2023
Maharo Gender Analysis Report
MAHARO is a five-year projet (2019-2024) focused on food security funded by the Resiliency Food Security Assistance (RSFA) Program of USAID/FFP. It is implemented by the...More