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March 15, 2008
Research›Case Studies
The Kibara Mission Hospital HIV Project
This case study describes the role that savings and internal lending approaches to microfinance has played in strengthening the economic wellbeing of HIV-affected households in...More
July 15, 2010
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Considerations in Home-Based Care for People Living with HIV
This guidance document offers water supply and sanitation facility and hygiene promotion design considerations and recommendations intended to increase access to these facilities...More
November 28, 2011
Research›Case Studies
The AIDSRelief Rwanda Partnership
This case study documents the transition of AIDSRelief responsibility for overall management of a large antiretroviral treatment program to the Rwanda Ministry of Health. It is...More
January 18, 2011
Research›Case Studies
The AIDSRelief South Africa Partnership
This case study documents the transition of AIDSRelief responsibility for overall management of a large antiretroviral treatment program to local partners in South Africa. It is...More
January 20, 2013
Research›Case Studies
Improving Access to Health for Rural Populations
This report looks at CRS’ health microinsurance (HMI) pilot in Atacora, Benin. The pilot links mature savings groups to a national insurance company. The goal of the study...More
September 14, 2015
Research›Case Studies
Health Networks and Associations in Low and Middle Income Countries
In 2014, Catholic Relief Services Haiti and the University of Notre Dame Eck Institute for Global Health conducted a study to identify key characteristics related to the success...More
September 14, 2015
Research›Case Studies
Réseaux et associations de santé dans les pays à revenu faible et moyen
In 2014, Catholic Relief Services Haiti and the University of Notre Dame Eck Institute for Global Health conducted a study to identify key characteristics related to the success...More
March 3, 2016
Research›Case Studies
Case Study: Integrated Child Protection and Care and Treatment Programming
A growing body of evidence supports the theory that child protection and HIV care and treatment outcomes are inextricably linked. Protecting children from abuse, violence,...More
March 3, 2016
Research›Case Studies
Case Study: The Role of Para-Social Workers in Creating Community-Led Approaches to Preventing and Responding to Child Abuse
This case study outlines the process undertaken by officials, para-social workers (PSWs) and community leaders in several sub-counties 9 in Kasese District in Western Uganda to a...More
June 13, 2017
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Case Management for Children Orphaned or Made Vulnerable by HIV
PEPFAR’s OVC programming delivers child-focused, family-centered interventions that seek to improve wellbeing and mitigate the impact of HIV and AIDS on children and families...More