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November 3, 2017
Research›Case Studies
Approaches of the Lea Toto and APHIAplus Nuru Ya Bonde Programs in Kenya
Acknowledging that OVC are at increased risk for HIV infection, and in alignment with PEPFAR technical guidance, OVC programs aspire to ensure that all individually registered OVC...More
September 6, 2017
Research›Case Studies
Approaches of the Expanded Impact Program in Zimbabwe
Between April and September 2016, 4Children documented work in OVC programs in three countries; these included Pact’s Yekokeb Berhan program in Ethiopia, the World Education Inc./...More
March 28, 2017
Research›Case Studies
Interreligious Action for Peace:
VERSION FRANÇAISE This publication presents case studies on interreligious action, highlighting specific approaches and tools that CRS staff members created and the networks they...More
February 9, 2017
Research›Case Studies
Implementing the Principles for Digital Development
This case study illustrates how CRS and its partners have been implementing the Principles for Digital Development since 2011 in The ReMiND Project in the Kaushambi district of...More