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December 21, 2022
Tools for Field Staff›Best Practices
Getting Started Guide
The Getting Started Guide covers MEAL Learning Policy 8 and its Procedures and Practices. It is intended to support heads of programming and project managers to integrate tested...More
May 25, 2023
Tools for Field Staff›Best Practices
Gender-Sensitive Labor-Saving Technologies and Practices
This brief outlines how and why labor-saving technologies and approaches when integrated with other gender transformative approaches can be instrumental in advancing gender...More
July 6, 2021
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
Garden Toolkit
Gardening is a widely implemented intervention in development programming that can deliver positive results in nutrition, agricultural income and women’s empowerment. In Ethiopia...More
February 25, 2020
Research›Case Studies
Shelter, Settlement and Infrastructure Case Studies
Here you will find a selection of short, compelling case studies that highlight diverse, challenging, innovative and impactful efforts in providing safe, dignified homes and...More
April 17, 2024
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
FINDING YOUR INNER STRENGTH: Building Emotional Resilience and Social Cohesion in the Face of Adversity
Our working assumption is that all communities in which we work have experienced loss or trauma. Because of this, we are more likely to achieve our objectives when we take a...More
November 10, 2021
Research›Case Studies
Enhancing Outcomes by Integrating Social Cohesion & Justice
Thriving societies begin with social cohesion and justice. When people and communities are empowered to address what divides them, uphold what unites them, and act together for...More