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July 26, 2013
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
Capacity Strengthening With the Catholic Church of Rwanda (Technical Brief)
This learning brief summarizes how CRS and the Catholic Church of Rwanda developed a particularly successful partnership. The document provides tips to consider for future...More
July 26, 2013
Research›Case Studies
Capacity Strengthening With the Catholic Church of Rwanda (Case Study)
This case study describes how CRS and the Catholic Church of Rwanda developed a particularly successful partnership. CRS provided technical assistance, accompaniment and...More
July 16, 2008
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Consortium Alignment Framework for Excellence (CAFE)
This tool is designed to help CRS staff and partners improve their ability to form strong consortia that respond to the needs of the most vulnerable and meet donor requirements...More
June 3, 2014
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
How Capacity Strengthening Readied a Local Partner for Sustainability and Growth in Uganda
Comprehensive capacity strengthening helped a local partner to transform itself in Uganda. The organization tripled the size of its donor base and doubled its program value. It...More
October 8, 2013
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
How a Partnership Set Itself Up for Success in India
Partnerships often look good on paper but may be challenging in practice. This learning brief describes a promising partnership in India and the partners' innovative approach...More
June 7, 2011
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
CRS Manager's Guide to PHAST Methodology
The first edition of this manual was published by the World Health Organization in 1998. Since then, a great deal has been learned about how to successfully implement PHAST. This...More
July 17, 2005
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Guidelines for the Development of Small-Scale Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Projects in East Africa
This document provides general technical guidelines for the planning and implementation of small-scale water supply and sanitation activities in rural East Africa, which includes...More
December 20, 2014
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
Engaging Men to Improve Maternal and Newborn Health
Because of their roles as decision makers and heads of household, men play an important role in improving maternal and child health care in their communities. This facilitator...More
January 7, 2014
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
Learning from Transitioning a Large Grant to Local Control in Tanzania
This learning paper describes CRS' successful transition of a large grant to local control in Tanzania.More
August 14, 2013
Tools for Field Staff›Tool Kits
Communication Toolbox
The Communication Toolbox offers practical guidance for program managers who want to communicate more effectively with program participants and community members. The tools are...More