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December 18, 2024
School Readiness Camp - Assessment Results
The School Readiness Camp is part of the School Lunch Project (2021-2025), funded by the United States Department of Agriculture and implemented by Catholic Relief Services (CRS)...More

January 2, 2025
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
Engaging Men and Boys in East Africa
The report highlights the importance of engaging men and boys in all our programming to challenge harmful gender norms, promote gender equality, and achieve better outcomes. It...More

January 16, 2025
Optimizing the Nutritional Quality of Blended Porridges
One in five children in Haiti have stunted growth (22%), while wasting prevalence reaches 4% and underweight 10% (Institut Haïtien de l’Enfance 2018). Nutrient deficiencies...More

January 16, 2024
Haiti RFSA Gender Analysis
The 2021 Haiti RFSA “Ayiti Pi Djanm” is a USAID funded, five-year project which works to improve food and nutrition security and resilience to shocks. To inform the program...More

August 16, 2023
Research›Journal article
Promoting Gender Equity in Livelihoods Projects: Practitioners’ Perspectives Through the Lens of a Socio-ecological Model
This article points to the untapped potential for meaningful and mutually beneficial exchange between development research and practice, by presenting an example of an iterative...More

July 17, 2020
Research›Case Studies
Revenue through Cotton Livelihoods, Trade and Equity
This study examines CRS’ RECOLTE program in Burkina Faso, funded by USDA and Food for Progress, which focused on upgrading the organic cotton value chain in the country. The study...More

October 22, 2019
Tools for Field Staff›Best Practices
How to be Inclusive: Gender Equity and Youth Inclusion in Justice and Peacebuilding
This short job aid provides practical guidance on how to integrate gender equity and youth inclusion in justice and peacebuilding programming. It reflects guidance and good...More

November 14, 2011
Research›Case Studies
Extractives and Equity
This publication provides an overview of extractive industries. It discusses common economic, governance, environmental and public health implications of poorly managed extractive...More

October 23, 2024
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
Inclusive Warehouse Receipt Financing Pilot For Ginger In Nepal- Technical Brief, Key Results And Lessons Learned
Background: Government of Nepal (GoN) has identified ginger as one of the top 15 value chains [1] based on its potential for reducing poverty, growth and income generation,...More

August 6, 2024
Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) in Urban Resilience: Ghana and Sierra Leone
In 2023 Catholic Relief Services (CRS) West Africa Regional Office (WARO) commissioned a gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) analysis to understand the specific effects of...More