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September 14, 2023
CRS Homes and Communities Strategic Change Platform: FY20-22 Progress Update
Across the world, more people are displaced than any time in recent memory, due to circumstances beyond their control: Climate change, conflict, natural disasters. CRS recognizes...More
October 2, 2023
Tools for Field Staff›Best Practices
The Human Face of the Communities Leading Development (CLD) Project
Upon the completion of the Communities Leading Development (CLD) project in 2023, USAID and Catholic Relief Services (CRS) decided to compile the project's key programming,...More
October 10, 2023
Paying the Price
In an effort to better understand the tradeoffs families make regarding water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services and products when they are faced with rising food prices—and...More
October 16, 2023
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Community Based Development Planning
In the seven-year period between 2016 and 2023, USAID and CRS implemented the Communities Leading Development (CLD) Project. This project worked intensively with more than 200...More
October 17, 2023
Research›Case Studies
CLD youth entrepreneur initiative
Communities Leading Development (CLD) is a USAID and CRS development project implemented in five departments of the Western Highlands in Guatemala. CLD leverages financial...More
October 17, 2023
Tools for Field Staff›Best Practices
Community Development Plans
Guatemala continues to be a country with great inequalities. According to the 2020 Human Development Report, Guatemala placed 127th out of 170 countries in the Human Development...More
October 26, 2023
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Social and Power Dynamics Assessments
This Basic Guide provides practical guidance for programming teams to examine social and power dynamics as a systematic part of assessments. Considering issues of cohesion,...More
May 18, 2017
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Peacebuilding, Governance, Gender, Protection and Youth Assessments: A Basic Guide for Busy Practitioners
EN FRANÇAIS EN ESPAÑOL In this third edition of our guide about conflict, governance, gender and protection assessments, we have added a youth assessment to the tools.More
June 7, 2023
Research›Case Studies
Cost-effectiveness of Water Smart Agriculture implementation in Central America
Evaluating Water Smart Agriculture (WSA) program finance and implementation data from 2015-2020, this case study creates a unique roadmap for governments, donors, researchers,...More
November 15, 2023
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Digital Adventures for foundational learning
This booklet is a result of CRS Laos efforts to provide high-quality foundational educational content that is free and accessible in both the Lao and English languages to be...More