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February 23, 2023
Tools for Field Staff›Best Practices
Safer and Healthier Homes: Low-cost and Sustainable House Design and Construction
The purpose of this curriculum is to enhance best construction practices inl ow-cost housing, considering safer construction and environmental, health, and well-being aspects,...More
January 9, 2023
Research›Journal article
Evaluation of the protective efficacy of a spatial repellent to reduce malaria incidence in children in Mali compared to placebo
Spatial repellents, which are used to prevent mosquito bites, have not been evaluated for their effectiveness in reducing mosquito-borne diseases in Africa. However, they have the...More
February 24, 2023
Research›Journal article
The Effects of Antenatal Depression and Women’s Perception of Having Poor Health on Maternal Health Service Utilization in Northern Ghana
This study examined the effects of antenatal depression and women’s self-perceived poor health on maternal health service utilization, which had rarely been done in previous...More
February 17, 2023
Upholding Human Dignity: A Literature Review.
The objectives of the literature review was to identify how affirmation or violation of human dignity is currently defined and assessed across program sectors, including a review...More
March 1, 2023
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Private Sector Engagement Theory of Change, Key Metrics and Learning Agenda
This document outlines a theory of change, key metrics and a learning agenda for private sector engagement (PSE) across CRS. The document draws from existing PSE work across CRS...More
March 1, 2023
Private Agricultural Service Provider (PASP) Model Last-Mile Agricultural Service Delivery for Smallholder Farm Families: 2021 PASP Survey Report
The 2021 PASP survey, whose results are reported here, aims to help CRS understand and measure the value of the PASP model to PASPs and their farmer customers. The survey...More
March 2, 2023
CRS offers Muslim communities sharia-compliant savings groups
This 3-page summary describes the CRS sharia-compliant SILC approach, as well as results from its implementation since 2019 in the USAID-funded Girma project. In response to...More
March 10, 2023
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
The CRS Approach to Market Systems Development
This report explains CRS’ tailored approach to market systems development (MSD) across the Humanitarian-Development-Peace (HDP) Nexus and how it can be an engine for CRS to...More
March 15, 2023
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
Leveraging Markets in Housing for Scaling Up: Internal Desk Review
Millions of low-income families around the world get their housing through market systems. If those market systems were more inclusive and efficient, more vulnerable families...More
June 30, 2022
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
Introduction to the SMART Skills for Rural Development
English | Français | Español Farmers in developing countries need a range of skills in order to improve their livelihoods. They need to get organized into groups, understand how...More