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July 13, 2011
Tools for Field Staff›Best Practices
Promising Practices III
Progress in the response to HIV is largely due to critical reflection and quality evaluation of what is working. Sharing success stories enables HIV programmers globally to learn...More

July 13, 2009
Tools for Field Staff›Best Practices
Promising Practices for Community Engagement in Tuberculosis Activities
This publication highlights promising practices in increasing case detection and treatment rates as documented in the Maguindanao TB Control Project. It chronicles how community...More

July 13, 2009
Research›Case Studies
Working Together, Learning Together
When CRS decided to shift the emphasis of its agriculture programs from subsistence-focused production to market-oriented enterprise development, it needed to both develop new...More

August 13, 2013
Research›Case Studies
The Road to Resilience
How can relief and development programs promote resilience in regions that experience recurrent crises? The six case studies in this document describe some of the ways that CRS...More

August 13, 2014
Governance at the Grassroots
This study analyzes governance issues in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger. It focuses on the links between decentralization and local government's management of disaster risk...More

March 10, 2010
A Rapid Seed Assessment in the Southern Department of Haiti
This report summarizes the results from a rapid seed assessment in the South Department in Haiti between February 12 and March 1, 2010. The purpose of this assessment was to...More

August 13, 2010
Seed System Security Assessment
This joint assessment, which was carried out in May 2010 by ten organizations, assesses the impact of the January 12, 2010, earthquake on households and agricultural livelihoods...More

June 13, 2012
Tools for Field Staff›Best Practices
Maximizing the Value of Cash for Work
This report describes the 20 best practices distilled from a recent Real Time Evaluation of EARLI, a cash for work program implemented by CRS in Niger. EARLI is a USAID/OFDA-...More

March 17, 2016
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
In-Country Management and Distribution of Long Lasting Insecticide-Treated Nets: A Logistics Guide for Implementers (Second Edition)
Catholic Relief services has created In-Country Management and Distribution of Long Lasting Insecticide-Treated Nets: A Logistics Guide for Implementers to share the insights and...More

July 14, 2008
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
When Disaster Strikes
International aid agencies often respond to food security emergencies by providing seeds for farmers in the affected region. But how can we ensure that such an intervention is a...More