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January 9, 2014
Gender in Agribusiness
This report describes the results of a study on gender dynamics in cash and food crop marketing clubs in southern Malawi. The study was conducted as part of CRS’ Wellness...More

July 9, 2011
Sourcing Gender
In agriculture, women constitute the majority of farmers and producers. Yet women suffer many gender-specific constraints when participating in market-based activities. This paper...More

August 13, 2014
Governance at the Grassroots
This study analyzes governance issues in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger. It focuses on the links between decentralization and local government's management of disaster risk...More

July 28, 2011
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
CRS Southern Africa Guidelines for Gender-Responsive Programming
Gender-responsive programming means addressing the gender roles, relations, needs and interests of women and men, girls and boys to meet their immediate needs and achieve equal...More

July 15, 2009
Tools for Field Staff›Best Practices
Water and Conflict
Much of the world’s population lacks adequate clean water, either because of physical scarcity or because they are denied equitable access to water resources. Such...More

November 15, 2012
Research›Case Studies
Considering Gender in Farmers' Groups
This case study offers insights about gender roles and gender dynamics within 14 farmers' groups in Madagascar. The findings and recommendations will help improve how Catholic...More

September 21, 2009
Tools for Field Staff›Tool Kits
Core Protection Training Modules
CRS created these training modules to help ensure that staff members have a shared understanding of protection . The training modules are designed to complement other CRS...More

February 23, 2010
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
Integrating Peacebuilding Into Humanitarian and Development Programming
This paper clarifies key terms related to the integration or mainstreaming of peacebuilding into humanitarian and develiopment work, explores organizational frameworks and...More

May 5, 2008
Research›Case Studies
Pursuing Just Peace
This practical resource includes an introductory essay and seven case studies. The essay provides a general overview and literature review for faith-based peacebuilding, discusses...More

June 2, 2003
Bottom of the Barrel
The new African oil boom—centered on the oil-rich Atlantic waters of the Gulf of Guinea, from Nigeria to Angola—is a moment of great opportunity and great peril for...More