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January 10, 2022
Research›Case Studies
Burkina Faso Pilots SMC Campaign Digitization
Burkina Faso is a landlocked country lying in the semi-arid Sahel and Savanna zones of Africa with a population of roughly 21 million people. A partner in Burkina Faso’s...More

July 15, 2022
Research›Case Studies
Strengthening Trauma Awareness and Social Cohesion in Greater Jonglei, South Sudan
This case study explores CRS’s initiative in Greater Jonglei, South Sudan to integrate trauma awareness and social cohesion within multisector resilience programming. The case...More

August 12, 2022
Research›Case Studies
Impact of the Child-optimized Financial Education (COFE) curriculum among savings group participants in Uganda
This publication highlights the joint collaboration between CRS Uganda and multiple PIQA teams (microfinance, social services and MEAL) to adapt, revise, research and support the...More

September 30, 2022
Research›Case Studies
Digital Response in the COVID-19 Environment
The COVID-19 pandemic elevated the use of digital technology in programming from an opportunity to a fundamental need. The social distancing required to stave off the virus has...More

April 11, 2023
Research›Case Studies
Strengthening Social Cohesion & Governance in the DRC
Since 2017, CRS has empowered communities across the Kasaï Oriental Province of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to talk about what divides them, uphold what unites them,...More

October 17, 2023
Research›Case Studies
CLD youth entrepreneur initiative
Communities Leading Development (CLD) is a USAID and CRS development project implemented in five departments of the Western Highlands in Guatemala. CLD leverages financial...More

June 7, 2023
Research›Case Studies
Cost-effectiveness of Water Smart Agriculture implementation in Central America
Evaluating Water Smart Agriculture (WSA) program finance and implementation data from 2015-2020, this case study creates a unique roadmap for governments, donors, researchers,...More

February 25, 2020
Research›Case Studies
Shelter, Settlement and Infrastructure Case Studies
Here you will find a selection of short, compelling case studies that highlight diverse, challenging, innovative and impactful efforts in providing safe, dignified homes and...More

July 17, 2020
Research›Case Studies
Revenue through Cotton Livelihoods, Trade and Equity
This study examines CRS’ RECOLTE program in Burkina Faso, funded by USDA and Food for Progress, which focused on upgrading the organic cotton value chain in the country. The study...More

November 14, 2011
Research›Case Studies
Extractives and Equity
This publication provides an overview of extractive industries. It discusses common economic, governance, environmental and public health implications of poorly managed extractive...More