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July 25, 2022
Recipe for Success: Accelerating Nutrition Governance
This policy analysis examines how existing U.S. government (USG) policies, systems, and structures enable or hinder the localization of the USG’s nutrition programming, as well as...More
April 4, 2022
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
Challenges facing Savings and Internal Lending Communities in a long-term refugee settlement setting
This study was conducted to understand the challenges and risks that members of Savings and Internal Lending Communities (SILC) and SILC Private Service Providers (PSP) have faced...More
October 5, 2022
Water Security Strategy 2030
WHAT DOES “WATER SECURE” MEAN? “Water security” is when water is effectively and holistically managed to support human well-being, socio-economic development and the environment...More
November 29, 2022
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
Gender-Equitable Masculinities? Yes, they’re helpful for women, but men are happier, too.
In 2021, CRS Ghana launched a pilot of CRS' Peaceful Masculinities approach. This learning report shares lessons learned from the pilot to inform future design and implementation...More
December 6, 2022
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
The Value of Sharia-Compliant Savings Groups
Conventional savings groups (SG) consist of 15-30 self-selecting members and provide their members with two means for obtaining useful lump sums of money to invest in business or...More
December 16, 2022
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
La Chimioprévention du paludisme saisonnier a permis d’éviter près de 6 millions de cas de paludisme dans le Sahel
En 2012, l’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) a recommandé l’introduction de la Chimioprévention du paludisme saisonnier (CPS)* dans les zones à forte transmission...More
January 3, 2023
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
Peace in the Sahel: Policy Recommendations for the U.S. Government
Introduction The Sahel region of West Africa is experiencing increased violence and extremism, weak national institutions, and shrinking natural resources, which have contributed...More
September 1, 2016
Conflict Analysis: Central African Republic
This conflict analysis was commissioned by Catholic Relief Services in Central African Republic (CAR), and is based on USAID’s Conflict Assessment Framework (CAF 2.0). The...More
October 1, 2016
Social Cohesion Analysis: Cameroon
This Social Cohesion Analysis examines the situation in Cameroon in relation to refugees from Central African Republic (CAR), focusing in particular on the situation in the East...More
March 1, 2023
Private Agricultural Service Provider (PASP) Model Last-Mile Agricultural Service Delivery for Smallholder Farm Families: 2021 PASP Survey Report
The 2021 PASP survey, whose results are reported here, aims to help CRS understand and measure the value of the PASP model to PASPs and their farmer customers. The survey...More