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September 11, 2017
Research›Case Studies
Summary of Key Approaches on Improving HIV Testing and Services for Children Orphaned or Made Vulnerable by HIV (OVC)
This report summarizes the strengths, challenges, lessons learned and remaining gaps of the Lea Toto and APHIAplus programs in Kenya, the Yekokeb Berhan Project in Ethiopia and...More

September 11, 2017
Tools for Field Staff›Best Practices
Good Practices in Case Management
The Site Improvement Monitoring System (SIMS) is an important part of the U.S. Government’s efforts to strengthen the quality of services delivered to people affected by HIV...More

September 28, 2017
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
Nutrition Reference Guide: CORE Group's Nutrition Working Group
This reference guide includes nutrition-specific tools and approaches, information on how and when to use them, and special considerations for their use. The guide, which was...More

October 17, 2017
Assessment on Availability of African Indigenous Leafy Vegetables in Malawi and Zambia
The objective of this assessment in selected regions of Malawi and Zambia was to: assess types and availability of drought-resistant African Indigenous Leafy Vegetables (AILVs) in...More

December 1, 2017
Research›Journal article
Measuring couple relationship quality in a rural African population:
Available data suggest that individual and family well-being are linked to the quality of women's and men's couple relationships, but few tools exist to assess couple relationship...More

December 1, 2017
Research›Journal article
Mobilising faith-based and lay leaders to address antenatal care outcomes in northern Ghana
This article, written by CRS staff members and published in the journal "Development in Practice," summarizes the results of a study that examined how faith-based and lay leaders...More

January 31, 2018
2016 Integrated Nutrition Conference (INC)
The second Integrated Nutrition Conference (INC), held in Nairobi in 2016, focused on engaging the private sector to improve nutritional outcomes, an issue that arose during the...More

July 14, 2012
Tools for Field Staff›Tool Kits
Ngoana eo ke oa mang? Integrated Early Childhood Care and Development Flipbook
This flipbook is a tool for bringing children and caregivers together in a fun and interactive way. It contains simple, child-friendly messages and strategies for parents and...More

July 14, 2012
Tools for Field Staff›Tool Kits
Ngoana eo ke oa mang? A Guide for Strengthening Teacher Capacity
This Teacher Resource Guide is part of the growing set of training materials that have been developed to support the Integrated Early Childhood Care and Development project,...More

February 4, 2011
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
The Faithful House: PMTCT Supplement
The Faithful House PMTCT Supplement builds upon the information presented in The Faithful House program. In the supplement we provide additional information for facilitators and...More