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July 28, 2011
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
CRS Southern Africa Guidelines for Gender-Responsive Programming
Gender-responsive programming means addressing the gender roles, relations, needs and interests of women and men, girls and boys to meet their immediate needs and achieve equal...More
October 14, 2015
Tools for Field Staff›Tool Kits
Couple Functionality Assessment Tool (CFAT): User Guide
The Couple Functionality Assessment Tool (CFAT) is a survey-based toolkit designed to measure key dimensions of couple relationships. Field tested by CRS Malawi, the CFAT will...More
October 27, 2016
Father Engagement in Nutrition
This report shares key findings on male engagment in child nutrition and maternal and child health from the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands project to Accelerate...More
June 13, 2017
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Case Management for Children Orphaned or Made Vulnerable by HIV
PEPFAR’s OVC programming delivers child-focused, family-centered interventions that seek to improve wellbeing and mitigate the impact of HIV and AIDS on children and families...More
January 28, 2020
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
Rising from Resilient Roots
Rising from Resilient Roots is a one-day resilience-strengthening workshop designed to help participants in fragile and conflicted contexts find inner peace by understanding and...More
February 7, 2022
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
CRS Framework for Quality Early Childhood Education (ECE) Intervention
This CRS Framework for Quality Early Childhood Education (ECE) (ECE Framework) aligns with and reflects CRS’ Global Education Conceptual Framework , which recognizes that for all...More
June 16, 2022
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
Garden Resource Guide
Successful and sustainable garden interventions require expertise from many sectors. The Garden Resource Guide, one resource within CRS’ Garden Toolkit, brings this knowledge...More
December 16, 2022
Tools for Field Staff›Fact Sheet
Improving Development Outcomes by Strengthening Couples
In 2008, CRS implemented the SMART Couples project (Strengthening Marriages And Relationships Through Communication and Planning.) CRS’ signature couples strengthening approach is...More
September 11, 2023
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
Gender-Sensitive Labor-Saving Technologies & Practices
This DRC-based learning study was designed to drive greater understanding of whether the gender-sensitive labor-saving technologies and practices (GSLSTP) promoted by the...More
July 26, 2023
Tools for Field Staff›Tool Kits
Rapid Seed System Security Assessment (RSSSA) Tools
In response to demand for a more rapid and less resource-intensive seed system assessment than the standard Seed System Security Assessment (SSSA), the CRS-led S34D project along...More