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July 28, 2011
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
CRS Southern Africa Guidelines for Gender-Responsive Programming
Gender-responsive programming means addressing the gender roles, relations, needs and interests of women and men, girls and boys to meet their immediate needs and achieve equal...More

November 15, 2012
Research›Case Studies
Considering Gender in Farmers' Groups
This case study offers insights about gender roles and gender dynamics within 14 farmers' groups in Madagascar. The findings and recommendations will help improve how Catholic...More

May 5, 2008
Research›Case Studies
Pursuing Just Peace
This practical resource includes an introductory essay and seven case studies. The essay provides a general overview and literature review for faith-based peacebuilding, discusses...More

May 1, 2016
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Better Parenting Plus
The Better Parenting Plus: Community Discussion Guide is intended to facilitate guided discussions and learning by parents, caregivers and others, all of whom are members of SILC...More

June 13, 2017
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Case Management for Children Orphaned or Made Vulnerable by HIV
PEPFAR’s OVC programming delivers child-focused, family-centered interventions that seek to improve wellbeing and mitigate the impact of HIV and AIDS on children and families...More

August 30, 2018
Research›Case Studies
Engagement Government - Case Studies Series
These case studies share learning from the strategies and approaches that CRS uses to engage governments. It dives deeper into program application on the concepts of Engaging...More

January 2, 2019
Research›Case Studies
Strengthening referral pathways for children and adolescents affected by sexual violence
Violence against children exists in many different forms, including physical, psychological and sexual violence. The majority of countries across the globe have criminalized...More

January 11, 2019
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Catholic Approaches to Transitional Justice and Reconciliation Processes
This tool is for those working in post-conflict situations and trying to engage transitional justice and reconciliation in a distinctively Catholic way. It offers an understanding...More

March 28, 2017
Research›Case Studies
Interreligious Action for Peace:
VERSION FRANÇAISE This publication presents case studies on interreligious action, highlighting specific approaches and tools that CRS staff members created and the networks they...More

February 7, 2022
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
CRS Framework for Quality Early Childhood Education (ECE) Intervention
This CRS Framework for Quality Early Childhood Education (ECE) (ECE Framework) aligns with and reflects CRS’ Global Education Conceptual Framework , which recognizes that for all...More