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July 26, 2013
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
Capacity Strengthening With the Catholic Church of Rwanda (Technical Brief)
This learning brief summarizes how CRS and the Catholic Church of Rwanda developed a particularly successful partnership. The document provides tips to consider for future...More

December 31, 2019
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
Social Cohesion Indicators Bank
This Indicators Bank is designed to be used by CRS staff and partners tasked with design, proposal-writing, implementation and Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning...More

April 22, 2022
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
Digitizing Health Campaigns Improves Outcomes
Based on CRS Benin’s support to the Ministry of Health to digitize successive ITN, SMC, and Onchocerciasis campaigns, this learning brief describes what is needed to ensure that...More

November 8, 2022
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
The Incalculable Value of Digital Health Campaigns: Perspectives from Benin
Health campaigns are only effective when they can achieve high coverage, at scale. Yet, with paper-based records, it can be difficult to verify who was reached during a campaign...More

June 14, 2023
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
Innovating for Resilience
There is growing evidence that savings groups can be an essential source of financial resilience, particularly with regards to absorptive resilience capacity – helping buffer...More

September 11, 2023
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
Integration of the Care Group Model within Ministry of Health Structures
This learning study was designed to trace the development of the Budikadidi project care group model, assess its integration within government structures and document the project’...More

September 11, 2023
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
Gender-Sensitive Labor-Saving Technologies & Practices
This DRC-based learning study was designed to drive greater understanding of whether the gender-sensitive labor-saving technologies and practices (GSLSTP) promoted by the...More

September 11, 2023
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
Integration for Behavior Change – Approaches and Challenges
This 2022 learning study was designed to document the Budikadidi project’s approach to multi-sectoral programming integration and offer insights for leveraging integration to...More

April 13, 2023
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
Exploring Community Volunteer Incentive Structures
In 2022, the DRC Budikadidi team launched a study to capture learning on the coherence, impact, and sustainability of the project’s incentive structures. Between 2017 and 2023, a...More

April 13, 2023
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
The Benefits of Social Cohesion Integration for Multisectoral Programming
In 2022, the DRC Budikadidi team launched a social cohesion learning study to document the project’s unique approach to social cohesion and governance integration, explore its...More