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November 14, 2011
Research›Case Studies
Extractives and Equity
This publication provides an overview of extractive industries. It discusses common economic, governance, environmental and public health implications of poorly managed extractive...More
November 15, 2012
Research›Case Studies
Considering Gender in Farmers' Groups
This case study offers insights about gender roles and gender dynamics within 14 farmers' groups in Madagascar. The findings and recommendations will help improve how Catholic...More
January 2, 2019
Research›Case Studies
Strengthening referral pathways for children and adolescents affected by sexual violence
Violence against children exists in many different forms, including physical, psychological and sexual violence. The majority of countries across the globe have criminalized...More
March 28, 2017
Research›Case Studies
Interreligious Action for Peace:
VERSION FRANÇAISE This publication presents case studies on interreligious action, highlighting specific approaches and tools that CRS staff members created and the networks they...More
December 10, 2020
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
The Role of Religious Leaders in Expanding Gender Empowerment
In 2018, Catholic Relief Services (CRS) commissioned the University of Notre Dame (UND) to study the impact of CRS’ justice and peacebuilding (JPB) investments in six countries...More
December 10, 2020
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
Youth-Led Election Programming
In 2018, Catholic Relief Services (CRS) commissioned the University of Notre Dame (UND) to study the impact of CRS’ justice and peacebuilding (JPB) investments in six countries...More
December 31, 2019
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
Social Cohesion Indicators Bank
This Indicators Bank is designed to be used by CRS staff and partners tasked with design, proposal-writing, implementation and Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning...More
June 28, 2022
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
The Case for Inclusive Agricultural Development
With this policy brief, the Chicago Council on Global Affairs aspires to add to the growing conversation about inclusive development through the lens of agriculture and food...More
July 15, 2022
Research›Case Studies
Strengthening Trauma Awareness and Social Cohesion in Greater Jonglei, South Sudan
This case study explores CRS’s initiative in Greater Jonglei, South Sudan to integrate trauma awareness and social cohesion within multisector resilience programming. The case...More
November 29, 2022
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
Gender-Equitable Masculinities? Yes, they’re helpful for women, but men are happier, too.
In 2021, CRS Ghana launched a pilot of CRS' Peaceful Masculinities approach. This learning report shares lessons learned from the pilot to inform future design and implementation...More