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July 16, 2008
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Consortium Alignment Framework for Excellence (CAFE)
This tool is designed to help CRS staff and partners improve their ability to form strong consortia that respond to the needs of the most vulnerable and meet donor requirements...More

July 17, 2005
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Guidelines for the Development of Small-Scale Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Projects in East Africa
This document provides general technical guidelines for the planning and implementation of small-scale water supply and sanitation activities in rural East Africa, which includes...More

May 12, 2009
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Protocol for Relations with Church Partners (English, French and Spanish)
To support the process of developing relations with the Church, CRS presents this protocol for relationships with Church partners, designed to strengthen bonds of solidarity and...More

October 4, 2011
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Institutional Strengthening
Institutional Strengthening is a reference for organizations that wish to develop or improve existing institutional strengthening systems and processes. It presents principles,...More

June 22, 2020
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Practical Guidance on Developing a Projects Theory of Change
This short practical guide provides step-by-step guidance, tips and best practice to develop Theories of Change (ToCs) that reflect a project’s operating environment, assumptions...More

March 1, 2023
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Private Sector Engagement Theory of Change, Key Metrics and Learning Agenda
This document outlines a theory of change, key metrics and a learning agenda for private sector engagement (PSE) across CRS. The document draws from existing PSE work across CRS...More

October 16, 2023
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Community Based Development Planning
In the seven-year period between 2016 and 2023, USAID and CRS implemented the Communities Leading Development (CLD) Project. This project worked intensively with more than 200...More

October 22, 2024
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
Enhancing Outcomes by Integrating Social Cohesion & Justice
Thriving societies begin with social cohesion and justice. When people and communities are empowered to address what divides them, uphold what unites them, and act together for...More

January 3, 2024
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
CRS Supply Chain Management Handbook
The CRS Supply Chain Management Handbook captures best practices in supply chain management that enable CRS to effectively meet the needs of those we serve. This handbook is the...More