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April 13, 2016
Participation by All
Catholic Relief Services (CRS) undertook a sustainability evaluation in 2015 to evaluate the sustained outcomes of its Programme de Securite Alimentaire et Nutritionelle (PROSAN)...More

October 14, 2015
Tools for Field Staff›Tool Kits
Couple Functionality Assessment Tool (CFAT): User Guide
The Couple Functionality Assessment Tool (CFAT) is a survey-based toolkit designed to measure key dimensions of couple relationships. Field tested by CRS Malawi, the CFAT will...More

July 12, 2016
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
Learning Briefs from CRS’s Response, Recovery and Resilience (R3) Program
These learning briefs share insights from disaster risk reduction projects in the Response, Recovery and Resilience (R3) program in Guatemala, Nicaragua, Haiti, India, Bangladesh...More

July 12, 2016
Right to Learn
This report evaluates the impact of a CRS project in Laos that achieved a 7% increase in enrollment rates for children with disabilities - to 66%, an above national average in...More

July 13, 2016
Research›Impact Evaluations
Strengthening Trade, Building Peace
This overview of the Commerçantes Solidaires pour la Paix/Région des Grands Lacs (COSOPAX/RGL) project shares testimonies from women working together to promote conflict...More

September 27, 2016
Healing personal trauma to restore communities
This assessment shares testimonies from CRS and partner staff who participated in a trauma healing program in Central Africa Republic. After our initial emergency response to the...More

October 13, 2016
Factors Related to the Placement into and Reintegration of Children from Catholic-Affiliated Residential Care Facilities in Zambia
To support recent child care reform efforts in Zambia, Catholic Relief Services, in collaboration with the Government of the Republic of Zambia, Ministry of Community Development...More

October 27, 2016
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
Building more resilient pathways to prosperity
This collection of eight learning briefs allows CRS and partner staff to learn from select examples of absorptive, adaptive and transformative capacities in agricultural...More

October 27, 2016
Father Engagement in Nutrition
This report shares key findings on male engagment in child nutrition and maternal and child health from the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands project to Accelerate...More

May 1, 2016
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Better Parenting Plus
The Better Parenting Plus: Community Discussion Guide is intended to facilitate guided discussions and learning by parents, caregivers and others, all of whom are members of SILC...More