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April 11, 2014
AIDSRelief South Africa Final Report
From 2004 to 2010, AIDSRelief South Africa provided HIV care and treatment to more than 73,000 patients, including 35,000 who enrolled on lifesaving antiretroviral therapy (ART)...More

April 11, 2014
AIDSRelief Tanzania Final Report
From 2004 to 2012, AIDSRelief Tanzania provided HIV care and treatment to 165,488 patients, including 85,673 who enrolled on lifesaving antiretroviral therapy (ART) at 102...More

April 11, 2014
AIDSRelief Uganda Final Report
From 2004 to 2012, AIDSRelief Uganda provided HIV care and treatment to nearly 88,000 patients, including 45,000 who enrolled on lifesaving antiretroviral therapy (ART) at 23...More

April 11, 2014
AIDSRelief Zambia Final Report
From 2004 to 2012, AIDSRelief Zambia provided HIV care and treatment to more than 96,000 patients, including more than 60,000 who enrolled on lifesaving antiretroviral therapy (...More

June 1, 2015
Research›Case Studies
A Sustainable Approach To Community-Based Savings in Rwanda
This report presents results from the final evaluation survey of Catholic Relief Services’ Private Service Provider (PSP) project in Rwanda’s Eastern Province, which was...More

November 4, 2015
Tools for Field Staff›Best Practices
Better Care for Kids: An Overview of the SMILE Program in Nigeria
Learn how a large-scale USAID-funded program is helping 500,000 vulnerable children and the people who care for them. Led by CRS, the five-year program is strengthening government...More

November 11, 2015
Research›Case Studies
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Cash-Based Food Assistance Projects
Despite recent and expanding literature on cost effectiveness and value for money, there is little by way of guidance for the implementation of cost-effectiveness analysis in...More

November 17, 2015
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
Parenting Support in Africa
This manual is intended for use by implementing agencies interested in establishing parenting programs. The manual is primarily targeted for implementers working with children...More

December 1, 2015
Evaluation of Transitioning an HIV Response to Local Ownership in Four Countries
Between 2004 and 2013, the global AIDSRelief program supported rapid scale-up of HIV care and treatment services for poor and underserved people in ten countries across Africa,...More

January 13, 2016
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
A Guide to Strengthening Business Development Services in Rural Areas
This guide is focused on how business development services can increase the sustainability of smallholder agroenterprises in rural communities. By exploring theoretical frameworks...More