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February 9, 2013
Niger Resilience Study
In 2012, the Sahel faced a severe food security crisis for the fourth time within a decade. Poor rains, rising food process and internal displacement caused by insecurity has...More
January 9, 2014
Gender in Agribusiness
This report describes the results of a study on gender dynamics in cash and food crop marketing clubs in southern Malawi. The study was conducted as part of CRS’ Wellness...More
July 9, 2011
Sourcing Gender
In agriculture, women constitute the majority of farmers and producers. Yet women suffer many gender-specific constraints when participating in market-based activities. This paper...More
July 9, 2000
Targeted Seed Aid and Seed-System Interventions
This document presents the reflections of a working group held in Uganda in 2000. Individuals from 11 institutions came together to compare and contrast practical experiences on...More
August 13, 2014
Governance at the Grassroots
This study analyzes governance issues in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger. It focuses on the links between decentralization and local government's management of disaster risk...More
March 10, 2010
A Rapid Seed Assessment in the Southern Department of Haiti
This report summarizes the results from a rapid seed assessment in the South Department in Haiti between February 12 and March 1, 2010. The purpose of this assessment was to...More
August 13, 2010
Seed System Security Assessment
This joint assessment, which was carried out in May 2010 by ten organizations, assesses the impact of the January 12, 2010, earthquake on households and agricultural livelihoods...More
July 17, 2008
Agriculture and Environment Interventions in Support of HIV and AIDS Programming
CRS country programs frequently confront the challenge of helping individuals, families and communities in rural areas with high HIV prevalence. Many persons in rural areas of...More
March 1, 2010
Food Security in Eastern Africa and the Great Lakes Region
This is a summary of food security surveys and analyses commissioned under the C3P project. The document assesses the effects of banana and cassava disease on food and income...More
March 1, 2010
Responding to BXW Amidst Multiple Pathogens and Pests
Banana Xanthomonas wilt (BXW) is among the most serious threats to banana production in East and Central Africa. This document discusses the impact and epidemiology of BXW and the...More