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October 9, 2012
Tortillas on the Roaster
Higher temperatures and changes in rainfall patterns could transform the agricultural landscape of Central America, threatening the livelihoods of one million maize and bean...More
August 8, 2014
Adapting to the Sahel's Changing Climate
This report assesses the threats that climate change poses for vulnerable populations and ecosystems in Niger, Burkina Faso and Mali. The report identifies adaptation strategies...More
August 8, 2014
Building Livelihoods on the Front Lines of Climate Change
This report assesses various market opportunities in Niger, Burkina Faso and Mali. It examines priority crop, livestock and forestry value chains for men and women. It also...More
February 9, 2013
Niger Resilience Study
In 2012, the Sahel faced a severe food security crisis for the fourth time within a decade. Poor rains, rising food process and internal displacement caused by insecurity has...More
August 13, 2014
Governance at the Grassroots
This study analyzes governance issues in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger. It focuses on the links between decentralization and local government's management of disaster risk...More
August 7, 2015
Report on listening sessions in Niger, Burkina Faso and Mali
Catholic Relief Services commissioned national research teams in Niger, Burkina Faso and Mali to conduct focus groups with community members and key leaders. The focus groups...More
June 10, 2024
Environmental and Social Commitment Plan
This ESCP outlines the measures and actions CRS must implement or arrange to be implemented, including the time frames, institutional and personnel arrangements, training,...More
June 10, 2024
Plan de Compromiso Ambiental y Social
Este PCAS establece las medidas y acciones materiales que CRS deberá llevar a cabo o disponer que se lleven a cabo, lo que incluye, los plazos de dichas medidas y acciones, los...More
June 10, 2024
Marco de Gestion Ambiental y Social
El MGAS se aplica a todas las etapas del proyecto, desde la identificación de subproyectos y planes de negocios hasta la implementación y monitoreo. Se basa en el Estándar...More
June 10, 2024
Plan de Participacion de las Partes Interesadas
Este Plan de Participación de las Partes Interesadas (PPPI) se crea en el marco del Proyecto Costa Viva. Su objetivo es cumplir con el Marco de Gestión Ambiental y Social (MGAS)...More