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October 13, 2016
Factors Related to the Placement into and Reintegration of Children from Catholic-Affiliated Residential Care Facilities in Zambia
To support recent child care reform efforts in Zambia, Catholic Relief Services, in collaboration with the Government of the Republic of Zambia, Ministry of Community Development...More
October 27, 2016
Father Engagement in Nutrition
This report shares key findings on male engagment in child nutrition and maternal and child health from the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands project to Accelerate...More
June 7, 2017
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
Planning and Conducting Well Being Days
The Wellbeing Day model has derived from the Station Days methodology. Station Day is a child and parent-friendly and participatory day-long monitoring and evaluation field...More
June 13, 2017
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Case Management for Children Orphaned or Made Vulnerable by HIV
PEPFAR’s OVC programming delivers child-focused, family-centered interventions that seek to improve wellbeing and mitigate the impact of HIV and AIDS on children and families...More
June 13, 2017
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
Pathways for Exiting Programs for Children Orphaned or Made Vulnerable by HIV
PEPFAR’s Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) programming delivers child-focused, family-centered interventions that seek to improve well-being and mitigate the impact of HIV and...More
June 13, 2017
Research›Case Studies
From Assessment to Graduation: Comprehensive Case Management for Vulnerable Children and Households
The overall objective of this case study is to highlight and help promote good practice related to case management within orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) programming. The...More
June 13, 2017
Research›Case Studies
Building a User-Friendly and Government-Owned Case Management System for Highly Vulnerable Children
The overall objective of this case study is to highlight and help promote good practice related to case management within orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) programming. The...More
June 13, 2017
Research›Case Studies
From the Ground Up: Developing a National Case Management System for Highly Vulnerable Children
The overall objective of the case study is to highlight and help promote good practice related to case management within orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) programming. The...More
June 15, 2017
Research›Case Studies
Summary of Key Findings from the 4CHILDREN Case Management Case Studies
PEPFAR’s OVC programming delivers child-focused, family-centered interventions that seek to improve well-being and prevent and mitigate the impact of HIV and AIDS on children and...More
September 11, 2017
Research›Case Studies
Approaches of the Yekokeb Berhan Program for Highly Vulnerable Children in Ethiopia
Between April and September 2016, 4Children documented work by OVC programs in three countries; these included Pact’s Yekokeb Berhan program in Ethiopia, the World Education Inc./...More