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July 17, 2008
Agriculture and Environment Interventions in Support of HIV and AIDS Programming
CRS country programs frequently confront the challenge of helping individuals, families and communities in rural areas with high HIV prevalence. Many persons in rural areas of...More
July 15, 2008
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
Community-Integrated Management of Childhood Illness
This facilitator’s guide is intended to help plan for the training of community-based health-care providers to children outside the formal health system. It is designed to...More
July 15, 2008
Programming for Impact
Working from a variety of disciplinary perspectives—including child development, child protection, and child health—this report examines CRS-supported programs for...More
July 14, 2008
Do No Harm
This paper presents a plan to apply the "do no harm" principle throughout CRS' OVC programming.More
July 10, 2008
Determinants of Motivation and Commitment of Volunteer Caregivers
The number of children orphaned by AIDS has in Cameroon and other countries in sub-Saharan Africa has resulted in a shift in care giving responsibilities from parents to extended...More
July 10, 2008
Maguindanao Tuberculosis Control Project
In an effort to staunch the spread of TB, the World Health Organization set goals to detect tuberculosis cases at a rate of 70 percent and to cure patients at a rate of 85 percent...More
June 14, 2008
Tools for Field Staff›Best Practices
Nutrition and Food Security for People Living with HIV and AIDS
Applies the Integral Human Development (IHD) framework to nutrition and food security for people living with HIV and AIDS. In addition, several programming options and best...More
March 15, 2008
Research›Case Studies
The Kibara Mission Hospital HIV Project
This case study describes the role that savings and internal lending approaches to microfinance has played in strengthening the economic wellbeing of HIV-affected households in...More
September 1, 2007
Assessment of Educational and Health Needs for Children and Youth with Disabilities Identified as Affected by Agent Orange/Dioxin
In Vietnam, CRS conducted this initial survey research on the needs for education and health care among children and youth with disabilities who are identified as affected by...More
July 14, 2007
Palliative Care Nutritional Supplementation Targeted Evaluation
CRS Zambia evaluated the impact of nutritional supplements on HIV-positive home based care clients not taking ARVs that met the criteria for targeted nutritional supplementation...More