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October 10, 2013
Baseline Study Summary
CRS' Reducing Maternal and Newborn Deaths (ReMiND) Project works with government community health workers to improve the frequency and quality of pregnancy, postpartum,...More

September 9, 2013
Research›Case Studies
Ibyiringiro Project: Restoring Hope 2008-2013
HIV interacts with other drivers of poverty to simultaneously destabilize livelihoods at the household level and social safety nets at the broader community level. Evidence shows...More

August 13, 2013
Research›Case Studies
The Road to Resilience
How can relief and development programs promote resilience in regions that experience recurrent crises? The six case studies in this document describe some of the ways that CRS...More

March 13, 2013
From Provider-Oriented to Client-Driven Care
This report presents possibly the first comprehensive self-monitoring tool designed for people living with HIV in a resource-limited setting. It provides an opportunity for a...More

January 20, 2013
Research›Case Studies
Improving Access to Health for Rural Populations
This report looks at CRS’ health microinsurance (HMI) pilot in Atacora, Benin. The pilot links mature savings groups to a national insurance company. The goal of the study...More

August 3, 2012
Longer-Term Impact of Faithfulness-Focused Curriculum on HIV-Positive Couples From Four Regions in Ethiopia
Catholic Relief Services evaluated a version of the Faithful House curriculum that is tailored to strengthening the relationships of couples living with HIV. This version of the...More

August 3, 2012
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Room to Breathe
The Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference (SACBC), with support from the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), implemented “...More

July 14, 2012
Tools for Field Staff›Tool Kits
Ngoana eo ke oa mang? A Guide for Strengthening Teacher Capacity
This Teacher Resource Guide is part of the growing set of training materials that have been developed to support the Integrated Early Childhood Care and Development project,...More

July 14, 2012
Tools for Field Staff›Tool Kits
Ngoana eo ke oa mang? Integrated Early Childhood Care and Development Flipbook
This flipbook is a tool for bringing children and caregivers together in a fun and interactive way. It contains simple, child-friendly messages and strategies for parents and...More

July 10, 2012
Effects of a Values-Based Curriculum on Couples From Northwest Cameroon
There is a tremendous need for culturally aware, locally developed, evidence-based programs that acknowledge and address couple relationships, the context within which most HIV...More