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January 11, 2019
Tools for Field Staff›Fact Sheet
Bulletin sur les urgences dans la région de l'Afrique centrale - hiver 2019
English Pour répondre aux besoins des personnes en crise de manière systématique et efficace, il faut être agile ; apprendre, s’adapter et innover en cours de route. Dans la...More
January 11, 2019
Tools for Field Staff›Fact Sheet
Central Africa Emergencies Newsletter - Winter 2019
Français Meeting the complex needs of people in crisis requires learning, adapting and innovating along the way. And, in the Central African region, where communities face diverse...More
October 9, 2018
Research›Case Studies
Extending Impact Study
In 2015, CRS conducted a multi‑country study that recommended ways to influence household adoption of hazard-resistant construction practices in post-disaster settings. This...More
August 28, 2018
Tools for Field Staff›Best Practices
Gender Integration in Emergency Programming: Best Practices from the Central African Region
When gaining an understanding of people’s needs in a humanitarian emergency, gender is a crucial consideration, but often overlooked. Yet, the experiences and vulnerabilities of...More
August 10, 2018
Tools for Field Staff›Tool Kits
Market Support Interventions in Humanitarian Contexts
This tip sheet defines what market support programming in humanitarian contexts is and what it can look like in practice. Its goal is to enable humanitarian practitioners to...More
July 18, 2018
Tools for Field Staff›Fact Sheet
MIRA - Measuring Resilience in Malawi
This handout provides an overview of the Measuring Resilience in Malawi (MIRA) project, which has devised a data collection and analysis scheme to measure and predict resilience...More
July 12, 2018
Research›Case Studies
Increasing Resilience to Natural Disasters with Cash-Based Interventions
Following Vietnam’s devastating Typhoon Damrey, which flooded 15 central provinces and claimed 100 lives in November 2017, at least 400,000 people were in need of urgent...More
June 27, 2018
Research›Case Studies
The Vendor Effect: Hurricane Matthew Response in Haiti
This study explores the appropriateness and effectiveness of the cash-based initiatives used by CRS in its response to Hurricane Mathew in Haiti in 2016. Specifically, it looks at...More
June 1, 2018
Lessons Learnt Report - Rohingya Emergency Response Community-based Response Approach
This study captures the experiences and learning from a pilot project at the heart of the Rohingya refugee emergency response in Bangladesh, and the delivery of shelter and...More
April 30, 2018
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Guidance on Livelihoods Programming in Emergency Response and Recovery Contexts
This guide was designed to help practitioners plan and implement high quality livelihood projects in emergency and recovery contexts. It has three specific objectives: To provide...More