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May 1, 2012
Impacts of Food Vouchers on Local Markets
Food vouchers, as well as local and regional procurement programs, are assuming greater importance as alternatives to traditional food aid. CRS commissioned a study to analyze the...More
February 27, 2012
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
Learning From the Urban Transitional Shelter Response in Haiti
This handbook documents the experience of Catholic Relief Services in planning and implementing its urban transitional shelter response in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. The publication...More
February 10, 2012
Information and Communication Technologies for Development
This paper provides a snapshot of agriculture solutions that are emerging through information and communication technologies. It describes how these solutions are beginning to be...More
February 2, 2012
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
Managing Post-disaster Reconstruction Projects
This step-by-step guide explains how to manage the two main types of CRS post-disaster or post-conflict construction: owner-driven and contractor-built. The guide is for non-...More
October 29, 2011
Livelihoods in Northern Haiti
The publication summarizes the results of a participatory assessment that collected data on livelihoods in northern Haiti and produced recommendations for future programs.More
January 12, 2011
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Seed Aid for Seed Security
Seed-based agricultural recovery is more complex than commonly assumed. These 12 practice briefs offer advice on how to sustain and strengthen seed systems during disaster...More
August 13, 2010
Seed System Security Assessment
This joint assessment, which was carried out in May 2010 by ten organizations, assesses the impact of the January 12, 2010, earthquake on households and agricultural livelihoods...More
March 10, 2010
A Rapid Seed Assessment in the Southern Department of Haiti
This report summarizes the results from a rapid seed assessment in the South Department in Haiti between February 12 and March 1, 2010. The purpose of this assessment was to...More
July 14, 2008
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
When Disaster Strikes
International aid agencies often respond to food security emergencies by providing seeds for farmers in the affected region. But how can we ensure that such an intervention is a...More
July 20, 2007
Joint Evaluation of Responses to the Yogyakarta Earthquake
CRS, CARE, Save the Children, and World Vision Indonesia responded independently to the earthquake in Yogyakarta on May 27, 2006. But the agencies came to believe that a joint...More