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August 13, 2013
Research›Case Studies
The Road to Resilience
How can relief and development programs promote resilience in regions that experience recurrent crises? The six case studies in this document describe some of the ways that CRS...More

July 14, 2013
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
Toward Resilience
Toward Resilience is an introductory resource for staff of development and humanitarian organizations that are working with people whose lives and rights are threatened by...More

May 14, 2013
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
Building Resilience
This manual describes how to help communities implement disaster risk reduction activities. It was written for development workers and community-based organizations in the Horn of...More

May 13, 2013
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
Step-by-Step Guide to Shelter Construction
This manual describes how to build disaster-resistant shelters. Catholic Relief Services used this guide to build flood-resistant shelters in West Bengal.More

February 9, 2013
Niger Resilience Study
In 2012, the Sahel faced a severe food security crisis for the fourth time within a decade. Poor rains, rising food process and internal displacement caused by insecurity has...More

December 15, 2012
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
Learning From Urban Transitional Settlement Response in the Philippines
This publication documents CRS' experience in implementing an urban transitional settlement program in response to the destruction caused by Tropical Storm “Washi...More

September 9, 2012
Banking with Mobile Phones in Haiti
In 2011, Catholic Relief Services utilized T-Cash, a new mobile phone–based banking service. The initiative improved the speed, security and cost of beneficiaries' banking...More

June 13, 2012
Tools for Field Staff›Best Practices
Maximizing the Value of Cash for Work
This report describes the 20 best practices distilled from a recent Real Time Evaluation of EARLI, a cash for work program implemented by CRS in Niger. EARLI is a USAID/OFDA-...More

May 25, 2012
Urban Livelihoods in the West Bank City of Nablus
Catholic Relief Services conducted a rapid livelihoods assessment in the West Bank city of Nablus to better understand the challenges that urban dwellers face and to develop...More

May 19, 2012
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning in Emergencies
This resource pack offers practical advice about how to implement a system for monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning (MEAL) in emergencies. It provides standards for...More