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October 12, 2017
Iraq Emergency Response Strategy
This 8-page document provides an overview of the needs of Iraqi families living outside of formal camps, in such areas as shelter, food, water & sanitation, psychosocial needs...More

October 10, 2017
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
Conflict Sensitivity Key Messages
This PowerPoint presentation accompanies the CRS training module on conducting a one-day workshop on Conflict Sensitivity in Emergency Programming. The 19 slides cover these...More

September 28, 2017
A Seed System Security Assessment in Diffa, Niger
This assessment studied seed access and availability in the Toumour commune of Diffa, Niger. The goal was to determine whether seed fairs would be an appropriate response to the...More

August 22, 2017
Northeast Nigeria Emergency Response and Recovery Strategy (2017-2019)
This document describes CRS' emergency response strategy to the Boko Haram crisis in Northeast Nigeria. As of June 2017, nearly 9 million people in NE Nigeria were in severe need...More

July 25, 2017
Research›Case Studies
Supporting Markets in Emergencies
This study presents a review of current and past market-support initiatives implemented by aid actors across various sectors in emergency settings around the world. The focus is...More

July 13, 2017
Research›Case Studies
Cash or In-Kind? Why Not Both? Response analysis lessons from multimodal programming
This publication reviews lessons learned from emergency responses wherein more than one modality (cash, vouchers, or in-kind) was a “best fit” – or where the type of response...More

April 4, 2017
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
Supporting Markets in Post-earthquake Nepal
This publication presents lessons learned from a CRS project to support economic markets in Nepal's Gorkha District, which was heavily hit by an earthquake in April 2015. The...More

November 29, 2016
Response Strategy: Humanitarian Crisis in Lake Chad Basin
This document describes CRS' emergency response to the crisis in the Lake Chad Basin area of central Africa, where 9.2 million people urgently need food, water and basic...More

September 27, 2016
Healing personal trauma to restore communities
This assessment shares testimonies from CRS and partner staff who participated in a trauma healing program in Central Africa Republic. After our initial emergency response to the...More

July 12, 2016
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
Learning Briefs from CRS’s Response, Recovery and Resilience (R3) Program
These learning briefs share insights from disaster risk reduction projects in the Response, Recovery and Resilience (R3) program in Guatemala, Nicaragua, Haiti, India, Bangladesh...More