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September 9, 2012
Research›Case Studies
The Ethical Agent
An ethical agent is ideally a person or team with both development experience and commercial experience. The agent builds relationships with all the actors along the supply chain...More

June 13, 2012
Tools for Field Staff›Best Practices
Maximizing the Value of Cash for Work
This report describes the 20 best practices distilled from a recent Real Time Evaluation of EARLI, a cash for work program implemented by CRS in Niger. EARLI is a USAID/OFDA-...More

June 1, 2012
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
Financial Education
This 11-lesson financial education curriculum, part of CRS' SMART Skills series for rural development, has two main purposes: To provide trainers with the tools to teach groups...More

June 1, 2012
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
Promoting Innovation
Small-scale farmers in developing countries are constantly making observations, developing ideas and trying out new things. They need to do so to improve their production, adjust...More

May 6, 2012
Branding Agricultural Commodities
Raising the value of commodities can do much to reduce poverty. By using commercial marketing principles and supply-chain innovations, farmers in developing countries can create...More

February 10, 2012
Information and Communication Technologies for Development
This paper provides a snapshot of agriculture solutions that are emerging through information and communication technologies. It describes how these solutions are beginning to be...More

August 22, 2011
Project ABC in Niger
This report provides the results of an evaluation of a CRS adult education program and a mobile phone-based adult education pilot program in Niger. The study found that students...More

July 28, 2011
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
CRS Southern Africa Guidelines for Gender-Responsive Programming
Gender-responsive programming means addressing the gender roles, relations, needs and interests of women and men, girls and boys to meet their immediate needs and achieve equal...More

July 9, 2011
Sourcing Gender
In agriculture, women constitute the majority of farmers and producers. Yet women suffer many gender-specific constraints when participating in market-based activities. This paper...More

June 14, 2011
Assessment of Haitian Coffee Value Chain
This assessment provides an overview of the coffee market at the international and national level and an analysis of the coffee chain in Haiti and the region.More