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April 13, 2016
Farmworker Protections and Labor Conditions in Brazil’s Coffee Sector
This report outlines the findings of more than two years of research by CRS and Repórter Brasil on cases of modern slavery in Brazil's coffee sector. The authors also advance a...More

March 9, 2016
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Pocket Guide 1: Extension Practice for Agricultural Adaptation
This set of pocket guides, Preparing smallholder farm families to adapt to climate change , is written for field agents working in agricultural extension. The concepts,...More

February 9, 2016
Using Scientific Evidence to Link Private and Public Sectors in the Planning Process
Coffee farming is an important source of income for an estimated 40,000 farming families in the Department of Nariño in southwestern Colombia. Nariño is widely recognized as one...More

January 13, 2016
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
A Guide to Strengthening Business Development Services in Rural Areas
This guide is focused on how business development services can increase the sustainability of smallholder agroenterprises in rural communities. By exploring theoretical frameworks...More

August 7, 2015
Report on listening sessions in Niger, Burkina Faso and Mali
Catholic Relief Services commissioned national research teams in Niger, Burkina Faso and Mali to conduct focus groups with community members and key leaders. The focus groups...More

November 7, 2014
Research›Case Studies
Case Studies on Seed Storage
Farmer-managed seed is central to food security. The case studies in this series offer examples from the field. Overview Overview Quality Potato Seed in Ghor Province, Afghanistan...More

November 7, 2014
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Guidelines on Seed Storage
Farmer-managed seed is central to food security. The briefs in this series aim to provide practical guidance to program managers about seed storage. Overview Defining Seed Quality...More

September 26, 2014
Watershed Development in Malawi
This study documents the approach and community perceptions of the CRS-led and USAID-funded Wellness and Agriculture for Life Advancement (WALA) program’s watershed work in...More

September 22, 2014
Literature Review of Land Tenure in Niger, Burkina Faso, and Mali
This paper describes options for engaging with the complex issue of land tenure as it relates to broader social, economic, and environmental resilience in the Sahel regions of...More

August 26, 2014
Research›Case Studies
HIV Programming Comes of Age
Integrated HIV, food security and livelihoods programming has been an aspiration pursued by NGOs, donors and host-country governments for more than a decade with varying degrees...More