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October 1, 2015
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
ProPack I: The CRS Project Package
ProPack I en français | Propack I en español | ProPack I in Arabic ProPack I was first published in 2004, and this update comes after a decade of use. A 2013 user’s survey found...More

August 6, 2015
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
How-To Guide
Inclusive education has been internationally recognized as a philosophy for attaining equity, justice and quality education for all children, especially those who have been...More

July 22, 2014
Empowering Women Through Savings Groups
This gender study explores women’s participation and leadership in savings groups in the context of an integrated five-year USAID-funded Development Food Aid Program (DFAP)...More

January 9, 2014
Gender in Agribusiness
This report describes the results of a study on gender dynamics in cash and food crop marketing clubs in southern Malawi. The study was conducted as part of CRS’ Wellness...More

December 1, 2013
A Sample Gender Analysis
This document is a condensed version of a full gender analysis of a food security program in Ethiopia. We hope that program staff will use this condensed version as a template...More

July 24, 2013
Tools for Field Staff›Tool Kits
Humanitarian Response in Violent Conflict
This toolbox adapts a sample of 15 indicators from the SPHERE Project's Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response to be even more conflict-sensitive...More

July 3, 2013
Effects of Faithfulness-Focused Curriculum on Couples From Three Countries in Africa
Even though a large share of new HIV infections in many African countries occurs within marriages and cohabiting relationships, few prevention programs focus specifically on the...More

April 8, 2013
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Guidance on Monitoring and Evaluation
This handbook provides guidance for designing and implementing a monitoring and evaluation system. The standards in the handbook provide practical quality-control considerations...More

November 15, 2012
Research›Case Studies
Considering Gender in Farmers' Groups
This case study offers insights about gender roles and gender dynamics within 14 farmers' groups in Madagascar. The findings and recommendations will help improve how Catholic...More

July 10, 2012
Impact of a Faithfulness-Focused Curriculum on Couples From Three Regions in Ethiopia
Even though a large share of new HIV infections in many African countries occurs within marriages or cohabiting relationships, there are relatively few prevention programs...More