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May 17, 2024
Research›Impact Evaluations
WALA Watershed Case Studies
The following compilation of two-page case studies for each watershed visited by the research team provides nuanced details about the successes and challenges faced in each area...More

February 26, 2024
Tools for Field Staff›Tool Kits
The most recent Annual Report by the Global Protection Cluster (GPC) reported that more than 150 million people were in need of protection assistance due to conflict, violence,...More

February 21, 2024
Tools for Field Staff›Tool Kits
Measuring Respect for Human Dignity among Project Participants
Upholding the dignity inherent in every human being is central to CRS’ mission, values, and programs. To help advance understanding of the role human dignity plays in humanitarian...More

June 10, 2024
Environmental and Social Commitment Plan
This ESCP outlines the measures and actions CRS must implement or arrange to be implemented, including the time frames, institutional and personnel arrangements, training,...More

June 10, 2024
Plan de Compromiso Ambiental y Social
Este PCAS establece las medidas y acciones materiales que CRS deberá llevar a cabo o disponer que se lleven a cabo, lo que incluye, los plazos de dichas medidas y acciones, los...More

June 10, 2024
Marco de Gestion Ambiental y Social
El MGAS se aplica a todas las etapas del proyecto, desde la identificación de subproyectos y planes de negocios hasta la implementación y monitoreo. Se basa en el Estándar...More

June 10, 2024
Plan de Participacion de las Partes Interesadas
Este Plan de Participación de las Partes Interesadas (PPPI) se crea en el marco del Proyecto Costa Viva. Su objetivo es cumplir con el Marco de Gestión Ambiental y Social (MGAS)...More

June 10, 2024
Procedimiento de Gestion de Mano de Obra
CRS, como entidad ejecutora del proyecto, ha desarrollado un PGMO para garantizar que se cumplan las normas establecidas por el Banco Mundial en el Marco Ambiental y Social en...More

June 13, 2024
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
CRS and Savings-led Microfinance: Our Approach and Strategy
CRS’ Savings and Internal Lending Communities (SILC) methodology is a holistic, savings-led microfinance approach that provides a safe place for poor households to save and borrow...More

June 29, 2023
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
Singing to the Lions
By Jonathan Brakarsh with Lucy Steinitz Singing to the Lions is a free training package (facilitator’s guide, supplement and video) by CRS, that is designed to help children and...More