March 2, 2023
CRS offers Muslim communities sharia-compliant savings groups
This 3-page summary describes the CRS sharia-compliant SILC approach, as well as results from its implementation since 2019 in the USAID-funded Girma project. In response to...More
March 1, 2023
Private Agricultural Service Provider (PASP) Model Last-Mile Agricultural Service Delivery for Smallholder Farm Families: 2021 PASP Survey Report
The 2021 PASP survey, whose results are reported here, aims to help CRS understand and measure the value of the PASP model to PASPs and their farmer customers. The survey...More
April 4, 2022
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
How SILCs in Africa and Latin America have responded to the COVID-19 pandemic: One year later
This study presents the results of focus group discussions with 110 CRS SILCs and individual interviews with 415 SILC members administered in seven countries in Africa and two in...More
March 16, 2022
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
An Empirical Risk Assessment of Savings Groups
These are questions that the SEEP Network set out to address through a risk assessment of Savings Groups conducted in 2018. Together with three research partners – the Aga Khan...More
October 26, 2020
Research›Case Studies
Micro Assurance Santé - Bénin
Au Benin, la majorité des ménages pauvres ont un accès limité aux soins de santé, ce qui a des conséquences potentiellement dévastatrices sur leur bien-être. Les obstacles...More
January 8, 2019
Research›Case Studies
Making a Living from Teaching Communities to Save
This study reports results from research carried out by the Expanding Financial Inclusion in Africa project (EFI) to find out how working as an independent trainer of savings...More
November 13, 2018
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
Grupos de Autoahorro
Grupos de Autoahorro – Guía de Facilitación: Libro de Colorear y Fortaleciendo Competencias El manual del facilitador brinda las indicaciones para usar el manual de Fortaleciendo...More
October 2, 2018
State of Practice: Savings Groups and the Dynamics of Inclusion
This state of practice report provides a comprehensive overview of the inclusion of vulnerable populations in savings groups. Over the past 25 years, development organizations...More
July 26, 2018
Pricing and Payments in the Private Service Provider (PSP) Model
This report presents findings on pricing and payments observed in the EFI project, as well as CRS’s conclusions on how to implement its fee-for-service strategy moving forward. It...More
July 23, 2018
Expanding Financial Inclusion (EFI) in Africa Research Program
This page contains links to all of the research studies associated with the Expanding Financial Inclusion in Africa project (EFI), a 4-year effort whose core goal was to ensure...More