October 17, 2019
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
Reduced seed rate and fertilizer adjustments build wheat resilience
AGRICULTURAL BEHAVIOR CHANGE: BRIEF 5 Risk reduction is a major factor influencing farmers’ perceptions and behaviors, and often leads to the inappropriate use of inputs...More

October 17, 2019
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
Reallocation of feed doubles livestock productivity in a year
AGRICULTURAL BEHAVIOR CHANGE: BRIEF 3 Livestock productivity in pastoral and agro‑pastoral systems is based primarily on the production of young stock for sale and, to a lesser...More

October 17, 2019
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
Improved storage transforms potato crop
AGRICULTURAL BEHAVIOR CHANGE: BRIEF 1 The potato is the only cash crop available to most households in the Central Highlands of Afghanistan. Production is restricted by an...More

October 17, 2019
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
Efficient fertilization and well-timed irrigation boost potato yields
AGRICULTURAL BEHAVIOR CHANGE: BRIEF 2 Potatoes are the primary cash crop in the Central Highlands of Afghanistan. Yields are consistently low, averaging less than 12 tonnes per...More

November 7, 2014
Research›Case Studies
Case Studies on Seed Storage
Farmer-managed seed is central to food security. The case studies in this series offer examples from the field. Overview Overview Quality Potato Seed in Ghor Province, Afghanistan...More