June 28, 2022
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
The Case for Inclusive Agricultural Development
With this policy brief, the Chicago Council on Global Affairs aspires to add to the growing conversation about inclusive development through the lens of agriculture and food...More
February 26, 2019
Preparing to Excel in Emergency Response (PEER) Evaluation Report
With emergencies increasing in frequency and severity around the world, local organizations are often the best placed to respond. To strengthen their capacity, CRS piloted three...More
October 1, 2018
Research›Case Studies
The Missing Link: The Role of Local Institutions in Refugee Response
Study Brief (8 pages) Full report (32 pages) This study attempts to answer the following research question: Can efforts to strengthen local partners take us farther in our quest...More
February 7, 2018
Research›Journal article
Purdue University and Catholic Relief Services: A Case Study of University – Non-Governmental Organization Institutional Partnership
This article was published in the Journal of the Institute for Poverty Alleviation and International Development (IPAID), in Volume 8, Number 2. Download article Collaboration...More
December 7, 2017
Research›Journal article
Building More Robust NGO-University Partnerships in Development:
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and US-based universities are under increasing pressure to collaborate on international development efforts in order to achieve greater...More
December 1, 2015
Evaluation of Transitioning an HIV Response to Local Ownership in Four Countries
Between 2004 and 2013, the global AIDSRelief program supported rapid scale-up of HIV care and treatment services for poor and underserved people in ten countries across Africa,...More
January 1, 2015
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Partnership Reflection
The Partnership Reflection is a facilitated process designed to strengthen the relationship among the partners in order to help them be more effective. The process is almost...More
January 1, 2015
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Partnership and Capacity Strengthening Basics
The training sessions aim to introduce and develop the participating audience’s foundational knowledge, skills and attitudes in partnership and capacity strengthening. The...More
June 3, 2014
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
How Capacity Strengthening Readied a Local Partner for Sustainability and Growth in Uganda
Comprehensive capacity strengthening helped a local partner to transform itself in Uganda. The organization tripled the size of its donor base and doubled its program value. It...More
January 7, 2014
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
Learning from Transitioning a Large Grant to Local Control in Tanzania
This learning paper describes CRS' successful transition of a large grant to local control in Tanzania.More