June 21, 2024
Drivers and Barriers to Household Resilience in Northern Nigeria
Led by the University of Notre Dame’s Integration Lab through partnership with Catholic Relief Services, this study explores both the long-term impacts of CRS’ Feed the Future (...More
April 15, 2022
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
Collaborative Infrastructure: The Foundation of Systems Change for Youth Livelihoods and Leadership
The brief focuses on one of the key aspects of the Global Opportunity Youth Network (GOYN), the Collaborative Infrastructure, the process that develops and sustains relationships...More
December 31, 2020
Research›Case Studies
Lessons Learned
A year after the catastrophic earthquake, Anisha Shrestha was still living in a makeshift shelter and had no income. CRS helped her build an earthquake‑resilient shelter and...More
December 31, 2020
Tools for Field Staff›Best Practices
Goat Breed Improvement Interventions in Earthquake Recovery Project
A massive earthquake in 2015 caused large scale losses to life and livelihoods of communities in Gorkha district in Nepal. CRS, through the three-year Gorkha Recovery and...More
December 31, 2020
Tools for Field Staff›Best Practices
Promoting Large Cardamom Cultivation in Post-Earthquake Nepal
A 2015 earthquake in Nepal led to large-scale losses of lives and livelihoods for communities in Gorkha district. CRS responded to the immediate and longterm needs of the...More
December 31, 2020
Inclusive value chain study for Lentil sub-sector in Nepal
The Government of Nepal (GoN), through its Agriculture Development Strategy (ADS), has identified 15 potential value chains and prioritized five: dairy, lentil, maize, tea and...More
April 30, 2018
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Guidance on Livelihoods Programming in Emergency Response and Recovery Contexts
This guide was designed to help practitioners plan and implement high quality livelihood projects in emergency and recovery contexts. It has three specific objectives: To provide...More
August 26, 2014
Research›Case Studies
HIV Programming Comes of Age
Integrated HIV, food security and livelihoods programming has been an aspiration pursued by NGOs, donors and host-country governments for more than a decade with varying degrees...More
September 9, 2013
Research›Case Studies
Ibyiringiro Project: Restoring Hope 2008-2013
HIV interacts with other drivers of poverty to simultaneously destabilize livelihoods at the household level and social safety nets at the broader community level. Evidence shows...More
May 25, 2012
Urban Livelihoods in the West Bank City of Nablus
Catholic Relief Services conducted a rapid livelihoods assessment in the West Bank city of Nablus to better understand the challenges that urban dwellers face and to develop...More