October 1, 2018
Research›Case Studies
The Missing Link: The Role of Local Institutions in Refugee Response
Study Brief (8 pages) Full report (32 pages) This study attempts to answer the following research question: Can efforts to strengthen local partners take us farther in our quest...More
September 1, 2016
Conflict Analysis: Central African Republic
This conflict analysis was commissioned by Catholic Relief Services in Central African Republic (CAR), and is based on USAID’s Conflict Assessment Framework (CAF 2.0). The...More
March 1, 2016
Research›Case Studies
Using Cash for Shelter
Cash continues to gain prevalence as a modality for humanitarian agencies to help people meet multiple and diverse needs in the wake of a crisis. It provides people with the...More
June 16, 2015
Research›Case Studies
Expect the Unexpected
This case study reviews CRS’ food voucher program in urban Somalia over two years, which brought benefits to markets and communities beyond its intended scope. The study is...More
August 13, 2013
Research›Case Studies
The Road to Resilience
How can relief and development programs promote resilience in regions that experience recurrent crises? The six case studies in this document describe some of the ways that CRS...More
March 10, 2010
A Rapid Seed Assessment in the Southern Department of Haiti
This report summarizes the results from a rapid seed assessment in the South Department in Haiti between February 12 and March 1, 2010. The purpose of this assessment was to...More