November 8, 2022
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
The Incalculable Value of Digital Health Campaigns: Perspectives from Benin
Health campaigns are only effective when they can achieve high coverage, at scale. Yet, with paper-based records, it can be difficult to verify who was reached during a campaign...More
April 22, 2022
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
Digitizing Health Campaigns Improves Outcomes
Based on CRS Benin’s support to the Ministry of Health to digitize successive ITN, SMC, and Onchocerciasis campaigns, this learning brief describes what is needed to ensure that...More
April 4, 2022
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
How SILCs in Africa and Latin America have responded to the COVID-19 pandemic: One year later
This study presents the results of focus group discussions with 110 CRS SILCs and individual interviews with 415 SILC members administered in seven countries in Africa and two in...More
October 26, 2020
Research›Case Studies
Micro Assurance Santé - Bénin
Au Benin, la majorité des ménages pauvres ont un accès limité aux soins de santé, ce qui a des conséquences potentiellement dévastatrices sur leur bien-être. Les obstacles...More
September 29, 2020
Research›Case Studies
DHIS2 & Catholic Relief Services
DHIS2 is a health management information system intended to aggregate health data at national scale. The tool is used by ministries of health in more than 70 countries, including...More
July 15, 2020
Research›Case Studies
m-Health in Kenya
MWENDO, a USAID funded project, introduced the use of an m-Health platform to strengthen the caregivers’ involvement and support to HIV positive OVC in order to achieve viral load...More
October 23, 2019
Tools for Field Staff›Fact Sheet
Strengthening Caregiver Parenting Skills for Family Reintegration
Keeping Children in Healthy and Protective Families (KCHPF) is a project funded by USAID/Displaced Children and Orphans Fund (DCOF) as part of the Coordinating Comprehensive Care...More
October 23, 2019
Tools for Field Staff›Fact Sheet
Adapting a Parenting Program to Support Family Reintegration
Keeping Children in Healthy and Protective Families (KCHPF) is an operational research project funded by USAID/Displaced Children and Orphans Fund (DCOF) as part of the...More
February 28, 2019
2018 Conference Report: Third Vatican Conference on Impact Investing
On July 8–10, 2018, the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development and Catholic Relief Services (CRS) hosted the Third Vatican Conference on Impact Investing (VIIC2018)...More
April 5, 2018
Tools for Field Staff›Fact Sheet
CRS and School Health and Hygiene
This factsheet describes CRS' approach to improving school health and hygience, and includes examples of programming.More