December 21, 2022
Tools for Field Staff›Best Practices
Getting Started Guide
The Getting Started Guide covers MEAL Learning Policy 8 and its Procedures and Practices. It is intended to support heads of programming and project managers to integrate tested...More
September 20, 2017
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
ProPack I: El paquete de proyecto de CRS
ProPack I in English | ProPack I en français | ProPack I in Arabic Este ProPack I modificado retiene información y características útiles de la versión de 2004 e incluye muchas...More
September 20, 2017
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
ProPack I : le dossier projet de CRS
ProPack I in English | Propack I en español | ProPack I in Arabic Ce ProPack I révisé conserve des informations et caractéristiques utiles de la version de 2004 et comprend de...More
October 1, 2015
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
ProPack I: The CRS Project Package
ProPack I en français | Propack I en español | ProPack I in Arabic ProPack I was first published in 2004, and this update comes after a decade of use. A 2013 user’s survey found...More
February 18, 2007
Tools for Field Staff›Tool Kits
Reflective Peacebuilding
The toolkit emphasizes learning before, during and after the implementation of peacebuilding programs. It explores the connections between learning and effective peacebuilding...More
July 17, 2005
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Guidelines for the Development of Small-Scale Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Projects in East Africa
This document provides general technical guidelines for the planning and implementation of small-scale water supply and sanitation activities in rural East Africa, which includes...More