June 7, 2023
Research›Case Studies
Cost-effectiveness of Water Smart Agriculture implementation in Central America
Evaluating Water Smart Agriculture (WSA) program finance and implementation data from 2015-2020, this case study creates a unique roadmap for governments, donors, researchers,...More

December 23, 2019
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
Cost-effectiveness of youth workforce development
Across the world there are 1.8 billion young people aged 16–25, 85 percent of whom live in developing/emerging economies or fragile states.More

December 19, 2019
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
Violence against women is a phenomenon with multiple parts that interact to negatively impact women’s lives and the lives of their sons and daughters, their families and their...More

December 19, 2019
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Informed Curriculum
CRS’ I am READY curriculum uses evidence-based psycho-social tools to help participants recognize and manage thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Its application has been found...More

November 11, 2015
Research›Case Studies
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Cash-Based Food Assistance Projects
Despite recent and expanding literature on cost effectiveness and value for money, there is little by way of guidance for the implementation of cost-effectiveness analysis in...More