November 8, 2022
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
The Incalculable Value of Digital Health Campaigns: Perspectives from Benin
Health campaigns are only effective when they can achieve high coverage, at scale. Yet, with paper-based records, it can be difficult to verify who was reached during a campaign...More
April 22, 2022
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
Digitizing Health Campaigns Improves Outcomes
Based on CRS Benin’s support to the Ministry of Health to digitize successive ITN, SMC, and Onchocerciasis campaigns, this learning brief describes what is needed to ensure that...More
October 23, 2019
Tools for Field Staff›Fact Sheet
Adapting a Parenting Program to Support Family Reintegration
Keeping Children in Healthy and Protective Families (KCHPF) is an operational research project funded by USAID/Displaced Children and Orphans Fund (DCOF) as part of the...More
September 17, 2019
Tools for Field Staff›Learning Briefs
Technology with a Human Touch
CRS' ReMiND project in India improved the health of mothers and their babies in the state of Uttar Pradesh. This short lessons learned document gives an overview of the project's...More
October 1, 2018
Integrating Early Childhood Development Interventions into HIV Clinical Care Encounters
The Coordinating Comprehensive Care for Children Project (4Children) explored the integration of early childhood development (ECD) into HIV programming with the goal of reviewing...More
July 9, 2018
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
Better Parenting Facilitator Manual
Better Parenting Nigeria is a parenting education program whose goal is to see that families have the knowledge and skills needed to raise healthy, safe and resilient children...More
July 9, 2018
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
Better Parenting Curriculum: Community Discussion Guide
"Better Parenting Nigeria" is a parenting education curriculum for building caregiver protective factors in order to help parents provide better support to children. Its goals are...More
October 16, 2017
Tools for Field Staff›Tool Kits
Children's Coloring Book
This 30-page coloring book helps children learn about the importance of saving money, and is meant to be used either in children’s savings groups, or in adult savings groups in...More
November 4, 2015
Tools for Field Staff›Best Practices
Better Care for Kids: An Overview of the SMILE Program in Nigeria
Learn how a large-scale USAID-funded program is helping 500,000 vulnerable children and the people who care for them. Led by CRS, the five-year program is strengthening government...More
December 20, 2014
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
Engaging Men to Improve Maternal and Newborn Health
Because of their roles as decision makers and heads of household, men play an important role in improving maternal and child health care in their communities. This facilitator...More