June 7, 2011
Assessment of Haitian Mango Value Chain
Haiti’s mango industry could grow substantially by increasing production and focusing on exports to the United States. Catholic Relief Services conducted this assessment of...More
August 13, 2010
Seed System Security Assessment
This joint assessment, which was carried out in May 2010 by ten organizations, assesses the impact of the January 12, 2010, earthquake on households and agricultural livelihoods...More
March 28, 2010
How Savings-led Microfinance has Improved Chickpea Marketing in the Lake Zone of Tanzania
Organizing farmers into groups allows them to bring together their production to create sufficient volume of product for interested buyers. This paper looks at how savings-led...More
March 10, 2010
A Rapid Seed Assessment in the Southern Department of Haiti
This report summarizes the results from a rapid seed assessment in the South Department in Haiti between February 12 and March 1, 2010. The purpose of this assessment was to...More
March 1, 2010
Research›Case Studies
Cassava Cutting Movement from Primary to Bulking Sites (Burundi)
This document describes the effects of cassava disease in Burundi. It explores some of the principal causes of cassava cutting loss and provides a set of practitioner-oriented...More
March 1, 2010
Pilot Use of On-farm Vouchers to Disseminate Cassava Planting Material in Western Kenya
This document describes the use of on-farm vouchers (OFV) in Western Kenya to promote the dissemination of cassava planting material in a manner that reduces loss, provides choice...More
July 10, 2008
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
Participatory Market Chain Analysis for Smallholder Producers
This manual aims to enable service providers to work with a range of actors in selected market chains and design interventions that initiate systemic changes in the marketplace...More
July 10, 2002
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
Seed Vouchers and Fairs
This manual describes an approach to postemergency seed distribution in Africa in which farmers receive vouchers that can be exchanged for seed at specially organized seed fairs...More