July 1, 2022
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
Understanding Natural Resources
Small-scale farmers in developing countries depend heavily on their natural resources: water, soil and the broader ecosystem. They need to use these resources wisely so they can...More

June 30, 2022
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
Introduction to the SMART Skills for Rural Development
English | Français | Español Farmers in developing countries need a range of skills in order to improve their livelihoods. They need to get organized into groups, understand how...More

June 28, 2022
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
The Seven Steps of Marketing
Marketing is one of the biggest challenges for small-scale farmers in developing countries. Many farmers would like to improve their output or the quality of their products, but...More

June 28, 2022
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
Marketing Basics
Marketing is one of the biggest challenges for small-scale farmers in developing countries. Many farmers would like to improve their output or the quality of their products, but...More

June 28, 2022
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
Managing Natural Resources
Small-scale farmers in developing countries depend heavily on their natural resources: water, soil and the broader ecosystem. They need to use these resources wisely so they can...More

June 28, 2022
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
Organizing and Managing Farmers' Groups
Getting organized is vital for small-scale farmers in developing countries. On their own, individual farm families can do little to improve their livelihoods: they lack the...More

July 6, 2021
Tools for Field Staff›Manuals
Garden Toolkit
Gardening is a widely implemented intervention in development programming that can deliver positive results in nutrition, agricultural income and women’s empowerment. In Ethiopia...More

November 7, 2014
Research›Case Studies
Case Studies on Seed Storage
Farmer-managed seed is central to food security. The case studies in this series offer examples from the field. Overview Overview Quality Potato Seed in Ghor Province, Afghanistan...More

November 7, 2014
Tools for Field Staff›Guidelines
Guidelines on Seed Storage
Farmer-managed seed is central to food security. The briefs in this series aim to provide practical guidance to program managers about seed storage. Overview Defining Seed Quality...More

November 7, 2012
Research›Case Studies
Dried Beans in Ethiopia
This case study focuses on collaborative efforts to link white pea bean farmers in Ethiopia to canning factories and retailers in the U.K. It explores the benefits and risks of...More