CRS in China
Catholic Relief Services in China is responding to health needs, including HIV and AIDS and dramatically increasing cancer rates. We work with partners to provide effective care and support services for people living with these diseases and their families.
CRS supports partners to address the immediate and long-term health needs of people with HIV and cancer. Our partners' programs help families meet their basic needs and provide counseling, peer support activities, small grants to initiate income-generating activities, educational scholarships and job training. In addition, our partners provide home and hospital visits, health and nutritional information, prevention information and stigma reduction workshops.
Population: 1,379,302,771
Size: 9,596,960 sq km; slightly smaller than the United States
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CRS' History in China
Since 2004, CRS has supported the development of the emerging social service sector in China, with a particular focus on providing care and support services for people with HIV and their families. CRS expanded in 2012 to include services for cancer patients and their families.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the number of cancer cases is rising “ferociously” in China. About 2.2 million people die every year from the disease. For men, the most commonly diagnosed form of the disease is lung cancer. For women, it is breast cancer. WHO says many deaths could be prevented, mainly by reducing the country’s very high smoking rates. There are more than 300 million smokers in China with more than half of all men as regular smokers. WHO says air pollution, particularly in urban areas, is also a contributing risk factor for cancer in China.