CRS in Burkina Faso
Burkina Faso is a landlocked country lying in the semi-arid Sahel and Savanna zones of Africa. About 80% of the working population relies on agriculture and livestock rearing to make their living. Most farmers here operate at a subsistence level, and thus remain vulnerable to changes in rainfall (flooding and droughts). As the country develops, it continues to face challenges including low levels of education (for all children but especially for girls), poor healthcare (especially for pregnant women and children), and weak, uneven levels of economic development which often exclude women and the poor.
A partner in Burkina Faso’s development since 1960, CRS works with the government, local partners and other members of civil society to address major development challenges through improving agriculture, livelihoods, nutrition, WASH, and education.
Our partners include, national: Catholic Organization for Development and Solidarity (OCADES) Caritas Burkina Faso; National Union of Burkina Cotton Producers (UNPCB); Ministry of Youth and the Promotion of Entrepreneurialism for Youth; Ministry of Education, Literacy and the Promotion of National Languages; Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation; Ministry of Water and Sanitation; Ministry of Women and Family Affairs, Humanitarian Response and National Unity. International: Growing hope worldwide (FRB); Rise Against Hunger; The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust; US Department of Agricultural Services-McGovern Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition; US Department of Agricultural Services- Food for Progress; US Department Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration.
People Served: 2,259,854
Population: 23,042,199
Size: 105,869 sq mi (274,200 sq km) its Sindou Peaks display spectacular landscapes
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Catholic Relief Services (CRS) was established in Burkina Faso in 1960, following the invitation of the country's bishops. As the first and longest-standing international development organization in the country, CRS began its work by providing humanitarian and food aid to Burkina Faso shortly after its independence from France. In 1962, CRS expanded its mandate, providing education assistance, especially school feeding. Current programs include education, agriculture, health/nutrition, WASH, emergency response, support to Malian refugees, and savings-led microfinance with an annual budget of $10 million.