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CRS in Armenia

The picturesque and mountainous landscape of the Republic of Armenia is situated in the South Caucasus, bordering Georgia and Azerbaijan in the North and East, and Türkiye and Iran to the West and South.  

CRS Program Activity in Armenia 

In 2024, in response to the exacerbated need for safe, dignified, and affordable housing in Armenia, CRS launched an initiative to promote a long-term affordable housing solution, leveraging the successful social housing model established in Bosnia and Herzegovina.  

In partnership with Armenian Caritas, Mission Armenia, and other local stakeholders involved in shelter and housing, CRS and the Republic of Armenia's Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs are exploring a nonprofit social housing system in Armenia as a solution to long-term displacement. 

Capacity at a glance

Perople served: 5,243

Population: 2,976,765

Size:  18,481 sq mi  (29,743 sq km) home to Mount Ararat and Lake Sevan

CRS does not currently work in Armenia.

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CRS' History in Armenia

In 2000, CRS started handing projects over to national partners. This started with the founding of a new independent microfinance institution called MDF-Kamurj, which was born out of the merger of CRS' and Save the Children's microfinance programs.

In 2001, the CRS program took significant steps to strengthen its relationships with existing partners, and to start relationships with new partners in the entire South Caucasus region. After several years of planning, CRS launched its outreach program in Azerbaijan in November of that year, and has simultaneously increased dialogue with the Catholic authorities in Georgia.