Case Studies | June 27, 2018
The Vendor Effect: Hurricane Matthew Response in Haiti
This study explores the appropriateness and effectiveness of the cash-based initiatives used by CRS in its response to Hurricane Mathew in Haiti in 2016. Specifically, it looks at how such initiatives improved, affected and supported vendors and the market systems where they were implemented. While there had been cash-based initiatives in prior emergency work, they happened on a larger scale and with higher frequency in the Matthew response. Using desk research, qualitative and quantitative data collection, the study looks specifically at the appropriateness and effectiveness of the cash transfers, the vendor's experiences, the beneficiary’s perspective, and CRS’ implementation learning. It includes a review of existing data collected over multiple studies by different agencies at various points in the response cycle and new data collected via key informant interviews, focus group discussions and a new quantitative study in four southern market-sheds in the Sud and Grande’Anse.