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Papers/Reports | December 22, 2021

Understanding Farmers' Needs Project - Final Endline Research Report

The CRS Understanding Farmers' Needs (UFN) project, implemented in Senegal, sought to identify the value added for farmers of improved last-mile service delivery by Private Agricultural Service Providers (PASP). The endline study discussed here analyzes interviews of 149 smallholder farmers who had bought at least one agricultural input or service from a PASP in 2020, and focus group discussions with the project's five participating PASPs and 30 Savings and Internal Lending Community (SILC) members who had purchased fertilizer or seeds from their local PASP in 2020. Among other findings, the endline study showed that PASPs' inputs and services reached smallholder farmers who were underserved or unserved by other agricultural vendors. The farmers interviewed said they chose to buy inputs from PASPs based on the inputs' quality and convenience, and the availability of the PASP for support throughout the buying process.